“Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.” ~ Elizabeth Taylor
Today I was looking for some information about the emotional roller coaster that I seem to be on.
Looking around for some reading and realizing that there are several contributing factors to the great waves of emotion that I have been feeling in recent days. These feelings seem to be especially centered around home and the nurturing and creative feelings that I have in my home. Realizing that there is an imbalance in my home life versus work life that creates an out of balance signal. The brilliant realization in this desperate reading effort has been that, smiling helps.
Spending more than an hour reading and searching on the internet. I finally found something that was not so dry… Read through it, everything is there and the zinger is in the last sentence!
It is more helpful if we learn and apply these emotional intelligence skills:
Skill 1: The ability to quickly reduce stress.
Skill 2: The ability to recognize and manage your emotions.
Skill 3: The ability to connect with others using nonverbal communication.
Skill 4: The ability to use humour and play to deal with challenges.
Skill 5: The ability to resolve conflicts positively and with confidence.
I’m a firm believer in the powers of Yoga, having a good work/home/life balance and using humour to deal with some of life’s more difficult moments. I must admit I also like the advice that Elizabeth Taylor once gave: “Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.”
All of these elements are great and I got the most out of the last sentence and quote… “Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together.” This made me smile again and even the simple act of clipping it and re-pasting it into this entry made me smile again and brought yet another shift…
So today, and just for today, perhaps tomorrow… and likely only internally, I will follow the sage advice of the lovely Diva, Elizabeth Taylor. When I make the effort and when I smile, I will know that the time and effort that it takes to smile can spaciously allow me time to manage, getting all those cognitive functions back in order and begin to get myself in place.
Everything can be going to hell in a hand-basket and I can fall into the safety of knowing that I have complete and utter control over my ability to smile, take a breath and get to knowing that everything will take care of itself.

Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together