Ecstatic Path Opening Erotic Awareness Experiential Embodied Erotic Exploration
a weekend experience Friday Evening October 31 to Sunday Evening November 2
Join William McMeniman with Phillip Coupal and a group of lovers and explorers at the Awaken Studio. Create a unique experience for yourself, as the group creates a playful laboratory for ecstatic, erotic explorations.
Share a time of delight and information. Pursue a pleasurable opening to heightened erotic states. Follow the channels of the body into the mystery of spirit, within, a group of men willing to explore together: sharing erotic touch, emotional connection and full-bodied awareness.
-Celebrate the fullness of Erotic Connection within yourself and shared with a group of whole-hearted men. -Slow down to discover the depth of desire within the pleasure of your body. -Experience moments of JOY and BLISS as we move into honouring the depth of feeling within the sanctuary of our bodies.
The workshop will take place in a: safe, playful, honouring, respectful and reverential atmosphere as we explore and discover within deeper states of eroticism.
This group will gather: Friday October 31 – 7:00 to 10:00 pm Saturday November 1 – 9:30 am to 6:30 pm Sunday November 2 – 9:30 am to 6:30 pm
We will share meals within these two days. All equipment, supplies and materials are provided for this experience.
There will be: nudity, Individual and mutual erotic and sexual touch. If you need further information please contact Phillip at
The fee for this event is $300.00 with your registration and payment before Monday October 13 the fee after October 13 and before October 30 is $400.00
Last minute registrations for this workshop will to be accepted. Please plan and register in advance to avoid disappointment.
No prior experience with bodywork is required, all men are welcome to this event. A preliminary conversation with Phillip is highly recommended before you register for this event.
The erotic is the nurturer or nursemaid of all our deepest knowledge ~ Audre Lorde
As always questions, information and curiousity to: _____________________________________
Visit the information video _____________________________________
Online registration here:

Ecstatic Path Erotic Awareness Workshop for Men