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Mindful and Embodied ~ Juicy Heart



attentive, aware, or careful (usually followed by of ): mindful of one’s responsibilities.


verb (used with object), -bod·ied, -bod·y·ing.

1. to give a concrete form to; express, personify, or exemplify in concrete form: to embody an idea in an allegorical painting.

2. to provide with a body; incarnate; make corporeal: to embody a spirit.

3. to collect into or include in a body; organize; incorporate.

4. to embrace or comprise.

Today is weaving both worlds. That of awareness and providing a body.  To weave this magic on more than one level. To be more able to weave this on physical, mental, emotional, heartful, erotic, intuitive and spiritual levels.

This is my goal, my dream, my desire. This is my willingness and action.

Weaving - Mindful and Embodied - December 2011

 Follow me on the Ecstatic Path

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