Believe – The power of gratitude
2016 – Lots of lessons. I am grateful for 2016! I have the absolute joy of turning 60 and celebrating everything that all those years have given me. I am grateful to be able to live and breath, love and give, tantalizing myself close to the threshold of 2017.
I plan to fill this new year with celebrations as I bring the Awaken Studio into the next decade. The most extraordinary gift of 2016 was my deep realization of how special, magical and awesome the creation of the Awaken Studio has been. This place has transformed my life and my vision of who I am. This place and the outreach that it has within the community has brought energy and vitality to the magic that we are able to communally create.
I am filled with joy as men gather and embody the simple undertaking of holding each other with compassion, grace and benevolence.
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