October Update and Offerings for Phillip Coupal and the Awaken Studio
“Seizing the moment”, “taking that leap”, “make every moment count”, these thoughts are with me constantly as I bring forward the offerings at the new and vibrant Awaken Studio.
The September weekend workshop was empowering and opening. The October weekend workshop is exciting to see grow. The November and December workshops are open for registrations. Based in the interest that has been shown for the workshops they will be at capacity well before the weekend that they are scheduled in.”Seize the moment.” The peace and power found in the Thursday evening Breath and Movement class has been a reassurance “Take that leap”. I have shifted Wednesday evening to be more client-centric and will offer a playful, soothing and experimental laboratory to explore Eros. “Make every moment count.”
Here are the offerings for October and beyond. Please make sure to seize the opportunities for yourself and become a part of the heartfelt and open community that is forming at the Awaken Studio.
October Events
· Monthly Experiential Embodied Erotic Exploration – Anal Touch for Men – Weekend Event

Experiential Embodied Erotic Exploration Anal Touch for Men
Friday October 26th, Saturday October 27th and Sunday October 28th. 7:00 pm to 10 pm on Friday and 9:30 am thru 6:30 pm Saturday and Sunday
The event will take place from Friday evening to Sunday evening. The Awaken Studio offers an atmosphere that is safe, playful, honouring and respectful for men to explore their attitudes and relationship their butt and anal touch.
This workshop offers a rare opportunity to explore anal touch in a safe and uplifting atmosphere, with a community of like-minded men.
Individual, partnered and group exercises welcome all men into the exploration of their bodies to explore and experience conscious, full body touch with a focus on the ass and anal touch. The workshop will explore human nature, curiosity, pleasure, desire, fear and shame.
Experiences will utilize movement, breath, demonstration, exploration, experience, touch and mediation to bring participants a fully embodied educational experience. The workshop will explore territories of the body that are in public, generally off-limits. Much of the workshop will take place without cloths and will provide the opportunity to explore the ass in a full-bodied and whole-hearted manner.
The workshop will look at ways to create a safe, sane and consensual, conscious awareness towards anal pleasure. By shedding some light and offering some experience onto an area of the body that is sometimes held in darkness and shame. The workshop can reveal new attitudes and awareness in relation to the ass and anal touch, both individually and with a partner.
Rooted in the teachings of Joseph Kramer, Tantra and other teachers of erotic exploration this workshop will bring fresh and new information and help to create a sense of knowledge, integrity, peacefulness and balance especially in relation to the BUTT.
The fee for this weekend workshop is $295.00 for the event. There is an early registration discount. Register and pay by October 12th and the fee is $250.00. If you are interested or would like to register please email me at phillip@phillipcoupal.ca
As of this date there are 6 positions available in this event, if you plan to attend please make sure to let me know as soon as possible.
· Life Force Movement – Thursday Evenings
with Paul Galloro and Phillip Coupal
LIFE Force – Movement, a series of evening sessions that focus on Breath, Movement and Visualization. Life Force Movement is offered from 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm. The offering is 90 minutes of focused and facilitated Breathing, Movement and Visualization. I have teamed up with Paul Galloro to offer this event. The fee for these 90 minutes sessions is $15.00 each. This is not a drop in event, prior registration is required you are encouraged to attend as often as you wish in the pattern that works for you. Please visit my website for details and information or email me at phillip@phillipcoupal.ca
· Adult Education – Erotic Explorations – Wednesday Evenings
Offered Wednesday evening is the ongoing Adult Education Class that is designed to help educate men about their bodies and their bodies’ response to Erotic Stimulation and Sexual Energies. We practice Taoist and Sensual massage and varied forms of erotic and sensual stimulation. We explore where the touch builds energy and practice moving and shifting the energy through the body for an embodied and full experience of this undirected style of touch. Erotic Explorations is offered from 6:30 pm until 9:30 pm. The offering is 180 minutes of focused and facilitated touch. The fee for these 180 minutes session is $50.00 each. This is not a drop in event, prior registration is required you are encouraged to attend as often as you wish in the pattern that works for you. Please visit my website for details and information or email me at phillip@phillipcoupal.ca
· Monthly Massage Exchange for Men – Sunday October 14th
The Monthly massage exchange is scheduled for Sunday October 14th. Make sure to give yourself the time to join together with whole-hearted men willing to be in the moment as we playfully explore as a group the delight of Erotic and Sensual pleasures of the body. We will practice Erotic Touch Techniques and Taoist Erotic massage as taught bu Joseph Kramer.This afternoon exploration of touch keeps in mind the premise that: PLEASURE CAN BE HEALING. To register for this event email me at phillip@phillipcoupal.ca
“Whether it’s the best of times or the worst of times, it’s the only time we’ve got.” –Art Buchwald
October at a glance – Awaken Studio Offerings Facilitated by Phillip Coupal
Wednesday October 3rd –– Erotic Explorations 6:30 to 9:30
Thursday October 4th –– Life Force Movement 7:00 to 8:30
Wednesday October 10th–– It’s my Birthday and I have cancelled this event.
Thursday October 11th –– Life Force Movement 7:00 to 8:30
Sunday October 14th – Massage Exchange 12:30 thru 6:30
Wednesday October 17th –– Erotic Explorations 6:30 to 9:30
Thursday October 18th –– Life Force Movement 7:00 to 8:30
Wednesday October 24th –– Erotic Explorations 6:30 to 9:30
Thursday October 25th –– Life Force Movement 7:00 to 8:30
NEW – Weekend Event
Friday October 26th, Saturday October 27th and Sunday October 28th
7:00 pm to 10 pm on Friday and 9:30 am thru 6:30 pm Saturday and Sunday
Experiential Embodied Erotic Exploration Anal Touch for Men
Wednesday October 31st –– Erotic Explorations 6:30 to 9:30
The remainder of the year
November 2012
Thursday November 1st –– Life Force Movement 7:00 to 8:30
Wednesday November 7th –– Erotic Explorations 6:30 to 9:30
Thursday November 8th –– Life Force Movement 7:00 to 8:30
NEW – Weekend Event
Erotic Embodiment – Taoist Erotic Massage
Friday November 9th, Saturday November 10th and Sunday November 11th
7:00 pm to 10 pm on Friday and 9:00 am thru 6:00 pm Saturday and Sunday

Experiential Embodied Erotic Exploration for Men – November 2012
Wednesday November 14th – Erotic Explorations 6:30 to 9:30
Thursday November 15th –– Life Force Movement 7:00 to 8:30
Saturday November 17th Exquisite Connections 9:30 thru 6:30
Sunday November 18th – Massage Exchange 12:30 thru 6:30
Wednesday November 21st –– Erotic Explorations 6:30 to 9:30
Thursday November 22nd –– Life Force Movement 7:00 to 8:30
Saturday November 24th – Conscious Kink 9:30 to 6:30
Wednesday November 28th – Erotic Explorations 6:30 to 9:30
Thursday November 29th –– Life Force Movement 7:00 to 8:30
December 2012
NEW – Weekend Event
Erotic Embodiment – Full Body Multi Orgasm
Friday November 30th, Saturday December 1st and Sunday December 2nd
7:00 pm to 10 pm on Friday and 9:00 am thru 6:00 pm Saturday and Sunday

Experiential Embodied Erotic Exploration for Men December 2012
Wednesday December 5th –– Erotic Explorations 6:30 to 9:30
Thursday December 6th –– Life Force Movement 7:00 to 8:30
Wednesday December 12th– Erotic Explorations 6:30 to 9:30
Thursday December 13th –– Life Force Movement 7:00 to 8:30
Saturday December 15th Exquisite Connections 9:30 thru 6:30
Sunday December 16th – Massage Exchange 12:30 thru 6:30
Wednesday December 19th –– Erotic Explorations 6:30 to 9:30
Thursday December 20th –– Life Force Movement 7:00 to 8:30
Seize the moment. Please feel encouraged to take every opportunity.
Sent with LOVE
Phillip Coupal
Counselling + Coaching + Bodywork
Sex Coaching + Sacred Intimacy + Erotic Education
Facilitated Groups Exploring Embodied Erotic Experience
How may I be of Service to you?
Telephone: 416-557-7312
Email: phillip@phillipcoupal.ca
awaken studio
270 Carlaw Avenue, Unit 102
Toronto, Ontario Canada M4M 3L1
Follow my JUICY HEART Blog at: phillip coupal – juicy heart