JOY! The pleasure and power of gathering with a group of men. We talk, we laugh, we feel any range of emotions. We share our lives, our struggles, our triumphs, our sadness and our joy. We all have an opportunity to open ourselves and our hearts to the men who are gathered. -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- As the time passes, and we have gathered now for years, there is a greater sense of wellbeing within the group. As the time passes, and we have used this talking circle for countless rounds of sharing, there is a greater sense of community within the group. As the time passes, and we have seen life pass through this gathering, there is a greater sense of power and strength in numbers. -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- The Queer Heart Talking Circle has become this place where we can share freely, deliver both the good news and the bad news, smile with one another, put a helping hand forward, offer ourselves to one another or simply take a little step back and witness. -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- The Queer Heart Talking Circle meets on the Second Sunday of the month through the year. We gather at the Awaken Studio in Toronto. We share time by speaking and sharing in the ritual of the Circle. We spend time winding in and then after a time silence begins and we wind back down talking into ourselves the fruits that have shared our witnessing. The Circle disperses and we carry each other to share a dinner to which we all contribute. The offerings are rich and full of the loving kindness, compassion, respect and honour that we all have grown to have for one another. -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- -♥- All men are welcome to share in this event. The next gathering is: Sunday March 13.

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