YES, I have been searching! Searching for the TRIBE, you know that BIG GAY TRIBE.
The tribe that will teach me and the tribe that will take care of me and the tribe that I will be able to call my home, my community, my source.
Where is that BIG GAY TRIBE?
I have to say that I have been searching for a long time. I have looked and looked. I have joined in and I have offered, I have traveled far and wide, I have asked and sought in so many places . Well that BIG GAY TRIBE has been found.
“Where is it?” you ask. Well it has been hidden. Hidden for a long time, finally after all of this searching and all of this introspection and all of this sharing Ihave found the BIG GAY TRIBE. It is living inside of me! That TRIBE, all that I seek is inside of me and I have come to believe that it is inside of you.
Now all I have to do is share that part of me with that part of you and we will have a communion. We will have a sharing and we will have a beginning of something that will look like community.
Check it out… Queer Heart Talking Circle – Creating Radical Community

Searching for the TRIBE Queer Heart Talking Circle – Creating Radical Community
More about CREATING RADICAL QUEER COMMUNITY at www. or email Phillip at