Welcoming Diversity at the Awaken Studio in Toronto.
Welcoming all sorts, all kinds, all paths to the work at the Studio.
If you are a male couple and wanting to explore and discover some new information about and within your relationship…
If you are a “tranz” person looking to expand your already expanded horizons and find safety in human connection…
If you are young and want to open your mind, heart and spirit to “Coming OUT”…
If you are old and want to open your mind, heart and spirit to “Coming OUT”…
If you want to go out of your mind and discover the wisdom of your body…
If you want to seek the wisdom of your physical body..
If you want to let loose and explore some of your deepest and well-kept secrets…
If you want to be held in honour and respect for exactly who you are no matter how you show up in the world…
If you desire some new information about yourself and your sexuality…
If you desire a shift in your perspective of your physical body
If your desire the warmth and sustainability of human connection…
If you desire to be witnessed and honoured in all you greatest glory…
Come to the Studio and Explore, Play in the Laboratory, Create a Path and Experiment with NEW Discoveries about YOURSELF.
Let me know how I can be of service to YOU.
Please check my website at www.phillipcoupal.ca send me an email to phillip@phillipcoupal.ca or call me at 416-557-7312

Awaken Studio Welcoming DIVERSITY Creating SAFETY Personal Growth Work for all Men. Phillip Coupal Counselling + Coaching + Bodywork http://www.phillipcoupal.ca