Naked Yoga for ALL Men
Modern Yoga for the Male Body
Information about our Naked All Male classes
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Etiquitte and Information for Naked Yoga classes at the Awaken Studio Toronto
Naked Yoga for All Men at the Awaken Studio Toronto
We have been practicing Naked Yoga for ALL Men at the Awaken Studio Toronto SINCE 2012
There is nothing to bring to your class other than your curiosity and your willingness to explore something new.
The BASIC principles of gathering to practice together are simple:
that we practice compassion and grace for ourselves and with others
always practicing for ourselves and ourselves with others

Naked Yoga for Men - Awaken Studio Toronto
All men are welcome to take part in the practice of Naked Yoga at the Awaken Studio.
Free yourself to treat yourself to an experience unlike any other in the city.
Please bring your courage, your curiosity and your open beginners mind.
This practice is open to all men and the Awaken Studio welcomes all DIVERSITY.
There is no experience qualification, body shape, size restriction or maximum age restriction.
Please be over 19 years of age.
Etiquette attending a Naked YOGA class at the Awaken Studio Toronto​
Please make certain to arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of the class. ​​
The door is locked at the start of class start and latecomers are not admitted.
If you are on your way to the class and you believe you will be a couple of minutes late,
Please text Phillip at 416-557-7312 and let him know your predicament and we will do our best to accommodate your arrival up to 10 minutes after the scheduled start of the class.
Even with prior notice, we can not open the door 10 minutes after the start of the class.​
Please ensure your cell phones and communication devices are turned off as you enter
and not turned on until after you leave.​
Please be respectful of the space and the others that are sharing their practice with you. ​​
Please stay until the class is finished and the last posture is completed
The teacher will close and release the class.​​
Disrespectful, inconsiderate, exclusionary, assaultive, and aggressive behaviours will not be tolerated.​
Our Naked Yoga, Nidra/Samhadi Yoga, Partnered Yoga and Tantric Yoga Energy classes are dedicated to peace.
Our classes honour the personal boundaries of each participant and respect the focus of the class.
Lewd comments and predatory behaviour are not tolerated.​
Please know that touch is not the primary focus in any of the Naked Yoga classes presented.
Touch is a means to connect with energy and ultimately a peaceful and practiced focus.
If you are interested in touch as a means to pleasure, please visit the Service page to find a class, session or experience that is a better fit.​
In all classes where touch is utilized it is imperative that consent is requested, given, received and honoured.
Although there will be erotic sparks and erotic energy, this is not the focus of any Naked Yoga class.
Our focus is on creating and maintaining a peaceful, expansive and joyful experience with other men.
A guiding principle within the philosophy of the Awaken Studio Toronto is that touch is nurturing and a source of human connection.
In some classes the teacher will create a gentle adjustment of the posture.
In some classes the teacher will provide a light and gentle massage of the neck at the end of the class.
Only with permission and consent of the participant.
Please make certain to Self-Assess for any symptoms of infection or illness.
Please do not attend if you have any symptoms of illness.
Rebook your class when you have recovered from your illness, and you know you are no longer contagious.
Please also be conscious of any condition on your skin that is transferable or irritable through touch or contact.
If you have such a condition, please do not attend simply rebook your class when you have recovered from the condition on your skin.​
Please read the terms of agreement
Naked Yoga for ALL - Men Modern Yoga for the Male Body
​Fees for Naked Yoga classes
60 minutes
Starting at $30.00 + HST = $33.90
Drop-In Cash Payment = $35.00 inc HST
90 minutes
Starting at $35.00 + HST = $39.55
Drop-In Cash Payment = $40.00 inc HST
Fees for ClassPACK Subscription Options
4 weeks 60 = $110.00
4 weeks 90 = $205.00
4 weeks DOUBLE = $290.00
8 weeks 60 = $125.00
8 weeks 90 = $240.00
8 weeks DOUBLE = $335.00
12 weeks 60 = $220.00
12 Weeks 90 = $420.00
12 weeks DOUBLE = $600.00
CLASSPACK subscriptions allow:
Participants to book classes at their convenience
Book on either date depending on chosen time
All fees are subject to Ontario HST
Prefered Payment method is Email Transfer to
Practicing Naked Yoga
at the Awaken Studio Toronto
Kindness, compassion, grace and conscious construction of community are basic tenants of the Awaken Studio Toronto. It is our practice to exist in the world living from a place of gracious and radical acceptance.
If for some reason you are unable to pay for the services offered by Phillip Coupal or the Awaken Studio in Toronto we will do our best to create an accommodation for your need.
Although classes can not be free of any financial exchange, the Awaken Studio and Phillip are always open to negotiation and finding a way for participants to enjoy the benefits that they are looking for.
If you are under employed, unemployed or suffering from a financial hardship and you wish to attend, we will do our very best to create an accommodation made for you. Mutually agreed and negotiated in a kind and understanding manner without shame or guilt.
Please be kind you yourself and make sure to contact :
Phillip for more information.
All you have to do is ASK!
Free your MIND
Free your BODY
Open your HEART
Relax and Open
Experience the GIFTS
of your BODY