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Erotic Sexual Healing Journey for Men Awaken Studio Toronto

Erotic Sexual Healing Journey

Erotic Sexual Healing Journey a practice
offered by Phillip Coupal
at the Awaken Studio Toronto

Scroll down to find a description of this service as well as

Registration and Schedule links for appointments and classes

Candy Cotton

Erotic Sexual Healing Journey

Candy Cotton
Erotic Sexual Healing Journey for Men Awaken Studio Toronto
Erotic Sexual Healing Journey for Men Awaken Studio Toronto
Erotic Sexual Healing Journey for Men Awaken Studio Toronto

Erotic Sexual Healing Journey


for ALL Men 

at the Awaken Studio Toronto


Experiential Erotic Explorations for Men 


  • Private Sessions begin with:


  • 1 - 30 minute Introduction

    • By Phone or Video Conference

  • 2 - 60 minute Intake Session

    • In-person at the Awaken Studio

  • 3 - 90 minute Beginning Session

    • In-person at the Awaken Studio

Learning, exploring, discovery and ownership of erotic and sexual energies for ALL Men


The Erotic Sexual Healing Journey


Individual Bodywork Sessions for men who wish to explore at deeper levels of experience and journey towards erotic and sexual awareness.


Finding a greater sense of well-being

freedom and peace

- Body -

- Mind -

- Heart -

- Spirit -

Erotic Sexual Healing Journey for Men Awaken Studio Toronto


  • Client Centered

  • Heart Focused

  • Human Oriented

  • Self-Directed

My primary focus as a counsellor is to assist my clients as they: 

  • determine their own wisdom,

  • educate themselves,

  • empower themselves and

  • have them lead more

    • hopeful,

    • passionate and

    • powerful lives.


Erotic Sexual Healing Journey


Choosing a path moving towards erotic and sexual healing, offers a journey for those who dream of a life that they can call their own.


The Awaken Studio Toronto, has been created to provide: a welcoming, safe and supportive environment for all men, to explore erotic and sexual experience. The safe space of the studio and a depth of care deliver, an exploratory, experiential, education process that utilizes: exploration, experimentation, play and willing curiousity to create a journey that can lead from pain, grief, shame and guilt towards a life embracing freedom, peace and personal empowerment.


In some cultures and in other times, men have had access to skilled erotic teachers, perhaps a Shaman, a village elder or a temple priest or even a gathering of men who would initiate men into the knowledge and power of  sexual and erotic energies. This initiation would be delivered with honour, dignity, and care. Such mentors would use a combination of teaching, ritual, storytelling, ceremony, and bodywork work to prepare a man for a healthy and pleasurable erotic and sexual life.

The erotic mentoring role has been all but lost in our contemporary Western world. As a result our culture looks to media, religion, the medical profession, and peers  to inform men about sexuality and erotic energy. We often have forgotten or never learned about the wisdom of our own bodies, our own internal intuition, or our own distinctive and individual spirit.


As men, in our present world, we have very often never learned or explored what our deepest desires and our sources of pleasure are. In this present world, men have likely never explored conscious erotic and sexual energy or experienced and connected to their physical body. Men today, very often have no method to ask for or create the erotic or sexual experiences they so desire and often long for. New experiences and beliefs can be developed through guided experiential exploration, learning and a newly discovered path to intimacy that is heartfelt and sacred.

Phillip Coupal provides this educational service, from the Awaken Studio Toronto. Services include: explorations in somatic bodywork and in particular explorations centered on erotic energy and sexual desire. This service is offered to men of all ages (please be +19), races, sexual preferences, sexual identities, body types and gender of origin.


All those who ideftify as male and men can safely find a space to be guided in their learning, discovery and ownership of their divine and sacred erotic energy. 

Informed Consent

Please know that Phillip Coupal is not a doctor, a pschologyst, a pschotherapist or a social worker. All services are offered outside of a traditional medical model and are based in the deepest tradition of peer oriented talk therapies.
Counselling services are provided for purposes of personal growth and insight. Counselling Services provided by Phillip Coupal are not meant to be applied as, or considered a treatment or a therapy for any mental, or physical, health issue.
If you have a mental or physical health issue please contact your local health care provider, your doctor or a local health facility.
As we begin the counselling process, prior to the intake session you will be asked to agree to an informed consent.

Erotic Sexual Healing Journey for Men Awaken Studio Toronto
Erotic Sexual Healing Journey for Men Awaken Studio Toronto







Kindness, compassion, grace and conscious construction of community are basic tenants of the Awaken Studio Toronto. It is our practice to exist in the world living from a place of gracious and radical acceptance.


If for some reason you are unable to pay for the services offered by Phillip Coupal or

the Awaken Studio in Toronto we will do our

best to create an accommodation for your need.


Although classes can not be free of any financial exchange, the Awaken Studio and Phillip are always open to negotiation.


If you are under employed, unemployed or suffering from a financial hardship and you wish to attend, we will do our very best to create an accommodation made for you. Mutually agreed and negotiated in a kind and understanding manner.


Please be kind you yourself and make sure to contact :

Phillip for more information.


All you have to do is ASK!

Erotic Sexual Healing Journey for Men Awaken Studio Toronto
Erotic Sexual Healing Journey for Men Awaken Studio Toronto

"'The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change."

~ Carl R. Rogers

Practice a

Healing Journey


for ALL Men 

at the Awaken Studio Toronto


Experiential Erotic Explorations for Men

About Adult Erotic Education

with Phillip Coupal at the

Awaken Studio Toronto


All men are welcome to take part in
the Erotic Sexual Healing Journey at the

Awaken Studio, with Phillip Coupal.

Free yourself to treat yourself to an 
experience unlike any other in the city.
This practice is open to all men and
the Awaken Studio and Phillip Coupal welcome all DIVERSITY.

There is no experience qualification.

Men from all backgrounds, cultures, and societal experiences are welcome.

There is no upper age limit.
Please be over 19 years of age. 



This Journey can help extract the psyche from fear and pain that has been distilled from trauma found in the past.


Coping and learning from the past, men can make the possibility of living in the present with freedom and peace very much more attainable.



Choosing a Healing Path


The Erotic Sexual Healing Journey can allow for new found pleasure when desire is untangled from guilt and shame. 


Erotic Sexual Healing Journey experiential exploration sessions are a minimum of one hundered and twenty minutes within the experience.


Before the first full session we will have a one time introduction. This will take place over the telephone or via video conference. In this introduction the new client can ask questions and find out more about the service that is offered. After our introduction, we will arrange for an intake session. In this intake session we can map a path towards the journey. With the knowledge that comes from these preliminary sessions, the two of us can create a unique experience that works for each individual.


Within each subsequent Erotic Sexual Healing Journey session the desires and path that the participant is looking for are are held in the highest regard. Each time we meet we will work towards an experience that will offer the participant an experience that is freeing and moves towards a path of peace and deeper awareness.


Support via telephone or email is provided in between sessions. This support can offer the participant a deeper sense of security and offers mentorship in an honourable and respectful manner.


How may I be of service to you?

Please know that theErotic Sexual Healing Journey always begins with a complementary 30 minute telephone Introduction session, after this Introduction we will move to an Intake session where we will map out a course for our work together and finally we will move towards a full 90 minute session. 


For more information or to book an Erotic Sexual Healing Journey session please contact me at

I live my life in widening circles
that reach out across the world.
I may not complete this last one
but I give myself to it.

I circle around God,

around the primordial tower.
I’ve been circling for thousands of years
and I still don’t know:

am I a falcon, a storm, or a great song?

~ Rainer Maria Rilke


Erotic Sexual Healing Journey 

for ALL Men 

at the Awaken Studio Toronto


Sessions are available:


  • First Session begins at 10:00 am

  • Last Session begins at 8:00 pm



  • First Session begins at 10:00 am

  • Last Session begins at 4:30 pm



  • First Session begins at 10:00 am

  • Last Session begins at 4:30 pm

  • Some Wednesdays have

availability until 8:00 pm



  • First Session begins at 10:00 am

  • Last Session begins at 4:30 pm



  • First Session begins at 10:00 am

  • Last Session begins at 4:30 pm



  • Some availability on

Saturday afternoons from 2:00pm



  • Some availability on

Sunday afternoons from 1:00pm


Appointments may be booked: On-Line using the scheduling calendar below, via email or via telephone. (appointments are never booked through any sort of social media.)

Email is best at


48 hours notice of an appointment or booking is required. Session confirmation will be delivered within 12 hours of the booking notice. 



Session FEES


In Person attendance at the

Awaken Studio Toronto


Erotic Bodywork Fees
Single Sessions


~Introduction Session Fee
30 Minutes
Via Telephone or
Video Conference


~Intake Session Fee
60 Minutes
In Person at the Awaken Studio Toronto

~Single Session Fee
120 Minutes
In Person at the Awaken Studio Toronto


Subsequent Session FEES


After the first full session clients

may take advantage of purchasing

sessions in pre-paid blocks 


~Block of 2 Recurring Sessions
120 Minutes
In Person at the Awaken Studio Toronto
Total fee $440.00 
$220.00 per session
Reduction of $60.00
~Block of 4 Recurring Sessions
120 Minutes
In Person at the Awaken Studio Toronto
Total fee$750.00 
$187.50 per session
Reduction of $200.00
~Block of 6 Recurring Sessions
120 Minutes
In Person at the Awaken Studio Toronto
Total fee $1050.00 
$175.00 per session
Reduction of $450.00
~Block of 8 Recurring Sessions
In Person at the Awaken Studio Toronto
Total fee $1200.00 

$150.00 per session

Reduction of $800.00 


Session times are offered at mutually agreeable times
and offered on mutually agreeable dates. Please follow the service links below, click on the date and you will see if there are times available.
Questions or more information:
Contact Phillip -


Erotic Sexual Healing Journey for Men Awaken Studio Toronto
Erotic Sexual Healing Journey for Men Awaken Studio Toronto
Erotic Sexual Healing Journey for Men Awaken Studio Toronto
Erotic Sexual Healing Journey for Men Awaken Studio Toronto
Abstract Gradient

Book Individual Sessions
Introduction - Intake - Beginning

Healing Journey Sessions

Abstract Gradient

Book Returning Sessions
- Block of 2 - Block of 4 - Block of 6 - Block of 8 -

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.
Candy Cotton
This is a LOT of information! ~ There are so many choices! ~ I just have a QUESTION!

ASK your Question - GET your Informaiton
Take a FREE 30 minute consultation to help you make your CHOICE
Candy Cotton

Please use this website for your personal information. 

The information presented here is specifically meant for information purposes.

The services provided by Phillip Coupal and the Awaken Studio Toronto are meant solely for education and information purposes.

Phillip Coupal and the Awaken Studio Toronto do not provide mental, physical, medical, or emotional: treatments, therapies, or services.

Participants seeking such professional support are asked to find such services from their medical professionals.

Individuals struggling with clinical issues are always encouraged to seek assistance from a licensed medical or mental health provider.

If you are in a physical or mental crisis please contact your care provider and seek treatment  right away.


All Services,  Sessions, Classes,Groups and Gatherings provided by Phillip Coupal and the Awaken Studio Toronto are limited to those over the age of consent or in the Province of Ontario or 18 years of age or older. 

If you are not 18 or above the age of consent please leave this site and seek information from your community care provider.


Thanks for visiting.

Please use this website for your personal information. 


Phillip Coupal Counselling, Coaching and Bodywork is based in Downtown Toronto, Ontario Canada and works from the Awaken Studio Toronto.


Phillip Coupal is a Sole Proprietor and Practitioner offering Personal Growth and Life Skills services, as well as Adult Education for those seeking new or alternative solutions to their personal development and well-being.

All services are offered from a client centered and humanistic approach.


Phillip is a professionally trained Counsellor, Coach and Body Worker.


Please read and contemplate the terms of service and the policies of

Phillip Coupal and the Awaken Studio Toronto. Visit the information pages and view our terms of service, privacy policies and client consent. 

You will find these terms here: 

Information - Terms and Policies


If you have questions or concerns, please email Phillip at:

Phillip Coupal  -  Humanistic Counselling + Life Skills Coaching + Sacred Intimacy Bodywork 

Awaken Studio Toronto - 276 Carlaw Avenue, Upstairs Unit 217 B, Toronto, Ontario Canada

Copyright 2012 - 2022 Phillip Coupal - Sole Proprietor


Website Proudly created with Wix

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