Men 4 Men Sensual Touch Tantric Exploration
More Information Afternoon Sunday December 15 1:00 to 6:00
Sensual Touch and Tantric Exploration Sunday December 15
Heart JAM for Men who LOVE Men with Gregory Saliba
More Information
Evening Sunday December 15 7:00 to 9:00
Heart JAM for Men Sunday December 15
________________ Queer Heart Welcoming the New Year
More Information
Afternoon New Years Day Wednesday January 1 2:00 to 5:00
Queer Heart New Year 2014 Wednesday January 1, 2014
________________ Queer Heart Talking Circle Creating Radical Community
More Information
Afternoon Sunday January 12 12:00 to 6:00 Join in the inauguration of this new group. An experiment in CREATING Radical Community and an Exploration of Heartfelt Connection for Men who LOVE Men.
Queer Heart Talking Circle – Creating Radical Community Sunday January 12
Naked YOGA for all Men with Gregory Saliba More Information
Drop Ins are WELCOME Session Continues to February 18 Tuesday Evenings Note the resumption of classes Wednesday January 8 Continuing Tuesday January 14 8:00 to 9:30
Naked Yoga with Gregory Saliba
Thanks for continuing to read and support the Awaken Studio.There will be a full listing of all events for the first 4 months of the New Year in the next 10 to 14 days or so. Please continue to follow all the happenings at the Awaken Studio. The studio is live and current on Facebook, Daily xtra and on the website event calendar.Phillip Coupal – Counselling + Coaching + Bodywork
For Phillip’s occasional ramble and a continued view of creating Radical Queer Community check out the JUICY Heart blog.
If you are interested in attending any of the events listed above, please take a moment and visit the registration pages, indicated on the links for information and on the visual icon on the right. If you need more detailed information simply email me
If you would like to meet and talk let’s do it! If you want to meet and touch let’s do it!
If you have already registered for these events: Thank You!
There will be a full news letter and event listing for January in the next few days! As we head into the holiday season please treat yourself will and kindly . To all of you who celebrate the holiday at this time of year, Happiness and Joy to you. To all of you who are find yourself wondering about all of the HUB BUB, Happiness and Joy to you.
I look forward to seeing – touching and connecting with you. The Awaken Studio awaits the delicious pleasure of your bountiful energy.
LOVE Phillip