Sunday July 10th. Great show again! Some thoughts about the show.
It is stunning and startling how the drama and intensity of this 55 minute show leaves the audience shell shocked.
In that brief 55 minutes the steely determination and fluidity of the three actors playing Jaspers, Michaels and Gregory, 3 inmates convicted of murder, sweeps the audience with the ballooning of fantasy, blurred into the bleakness of the momentary reality of these three convicts. The three actors in this show are dynamic and do a spellbinding job of stirring senses and emotions.
This one act play brings forth the raw and disturbing feelings that come forward when: masculine and feminine roles, sexuality and gender become unbalanced and unresolved. The audience is witness to lying, manipulation, murder, ambiguous and blatant- lust and desire, prison cell sex games gone wrong. The spiraling of energy spun by the actors leaves the audience disturbed and shaken wondering what horror they have been a part of.
Spinning this dramatic energy, weaving the plots and fantasies and dreams of these three men. The actors are able to cast a spell over the audience that takes breath and sense away.
KUDOS to the ensemble and their innate and committed ability to work with each other and share the depths of themselves, creating a vivid and startling theatrical experience.
This show is well rehearsed and choreographed. The simplicity of the setting and lack of visual distraction make the witnessing of the horrific dreams and surprising fantasies even more compelling.
Another great show. A sleeper within this FRINGE Festival, a must see. Well worth the effort to get to Theatre Passe Muraille at 16 Ryerson.
