Hello and Welcome to Phillip Coupal
Based in Toronto I am a Counsellor, Coach, Bodyworker, Group Facilitator and Workshop Presenter.
Are you looking for a Counsellor, Coach or Bodyworker of service to gay men and gay male couples?
Are you looking for a guide to help you through some of the more challenging parts of your life and your relationship?
Are you looking to find more peace in your life and to feel more accomplished, successful, hopeful and relieved?
Are you looking for a place to be heard and understood?
How may I be of SERVICE to you?
Counselling, Coaching and Bodywork can help individuals and couples find direction, create and maintain sustained change in their life and their relationship to themselves and others.
In my Counselling Practice I offer my clients a chance to be heard and understood, as they sort out feelings and emotions. Helping those who utilize my traditional Counselling Service to feel understood, hopeful and relieved are some of the outcomes from this branch of my Practice
Relationship Counselling
In the Relationship Counselling service of my Practice I offer my couples, both married and those in a less traditional relationship a conversational arena to build trust and create a unified vision. Using my long standing experience in relationship and my broad familiarity with couples the service that I provide is meaningful and effective.
In my Coaching Practice clients can bring goals and future plans and we as a co-creative team create sustainable and attainable methods to break down problems and reach goals that might have seemed unattainable. Coaching can be effective in person in face to face meetings or by telephone.
Clients often experience more than what they initially set out to attain.
I Facilitate Peer Counselling Groups that happen on a regular basis. In addition I facilitate Adult Erotic Education Experiences in a humanistic manner. Groups take place in a comfortable and supported environment where clients are encouraged to feel safe and secure as they discover new ways to be in Social or Group settings.
Experiential Embodied Erotic – Workshops for Men
Sex Education like you have NEVER Experienced
Workshops and Experiential Events to promote and Encourage Experiential Adult Education and Explore Erotic Embodiment as taught by Joseph Kramer. Workshops take place monthly at the well equipped and centrally located awaken studio at 270 Carlaw Avenue in Downtown Toronto.
My Toronto Counselling– Coaching– Bodywork practice focuses on providing service to gay men and gay male couples.
I do provide counselling and coaching services to both men and women. I see clients individually and as couples. My office is conveniently located at the awaken studio in downtown Toronto. The space that I work from is both comfortable and private. I maintain office hours in the evening, on weekends and of course I see clients during the day. I provide one on one sessions for individuals and couples in addition I facilitate experiential learning at workshops and in small groups.
The Bodywork I provide centers on men and male couples. I facilitate men’s groups focusing on conscious heart centered touch, breath and sexuality. I work with individuals and groups of men to explore and learn from our Erotic nature.
For more specific information about any style of work that I offer please click on a link below.
Counselling, Coaching and Bodywork can help individuals and couples find direction, create and maintain sustained change in their life and their relationship to themselves and others.
Exploring where we want to go and how we want to get there, having this exploration witnessed and supported by another can instill a sense of hope and reinforce the choices that we have to create change and live our lives from a powerful position.
How does all of this work?
Please use this website for your information. The information presented here is specifically meant for information purposes. If you are in a physical or mental crisis please contact your care provider right away. If you see information within this site that is of interest to you please let me know.
An introductory appointment is as easy as a telephone call or an email away.
For more information or to book an introductory appointment feel free to contact me by email or telephone, 416-557-7312
I am a member of the Gay Coaches Alliance
Please visit the Gay Coaches Alliance website for more information
Visit my profile page at:

Phillip Coupal awaken studio 270 Carlaw Avenue, Unit 102, Toronto Ontario Canada M4M 3L1