Pink Tour – What does this mean?
Today a friend challenged me to illustrate a particular point about leading and the power and passion involved in moving forward. This forward motion can be about my life but often in this moment it is really about my moving my life forward in conjunction with other aspects and elements of my community and those that are around me. I so very often do not see or experience myself as a leader when I very much am leading. Often I have no idea that i am mentoring and modelling a particular group and way of being when it sees to come naturally.
I can no longer wait for someone else to lead the way because I am already on my way. Join me on the BIG PINK TOUR BUS
The illustrative point of this analogy of the BIG PINK TOUR BUS is that the whole thing is kind of like ME driving the bus. I am no longer a passenger, I am the driver. I work for my own tour company so the tours are really my choice. Being a savvy operator I always check with those around me to see what they would like. I am actually the leader and the one moving the whole operation ahead, setting the course and direction, creating the tone.
Funny thing is I very often don’t know exactly where the bus is going but I do know that I want the trip to be fun, uplifting an unpredictable and joyful experience.
The JOURNEY is really important, the DESTINATION not so much. Dancing on the Ecstatic path… rather than forging my way through and having the path be a particular way before setting out.
My BIG PINK bus!
Driving my BIG PINK bus… Destination unknown – Ecstatic Juicy Heart Surprise! Surprise! The bus is totally diverse. The whole tour company a sexy surprise! Tour Operator Uniform — TEE HEE
The Tour BUS is full of Diversity!
Always a package full of delight and surprise!

A New Workshop being offered here in Toronto
Dancing on the Ecstatic Path for Men
Bridging the energy of Earth and Sky with the Energy of the Heart
A two-day exploration of Erotic Energy
Techniques will involve Touch, Breath and Movement
Toronto – Ontario – Canada
February 4th and 5th 2012
For more information contact me at